Jessie - What I love about MGH pt 2 (2020-2021)

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I'm a 30 resident at MGH to share with my favorite things about our number one being free coffee all day, every day. So for all of your coffee can disease, we have the answer for you. This power years were basically hanging out and doing our respective roles and asking each other questions and really working collegially together. What do you guys are? So I'm on eating three RC general. So you are essentially the gatekeeper Thio all medicine emissions in hospitals from the largest department. So you really going to see a breath of pathology and thio kind of remind back to you in turn here and look at all the medicine emissions on. I forgot to introduce you to three future cardiologists in the room. So that's what kind of introduction to who you got. I'm on a self design elective right now, but I'm currently preparing for clinic, which I have this afternoon. One be able to use any computer, but also just run out fishing things. I'm currently on the medicine Consult Elective, which you do is a senior U get to consult surgery services for periodic risk management and optimizing them and any other medical problems that they have. So it's pretty nice when the surgeons are asking us for help this time. I think one thing that I would add about the magic of the batter room is that it's a place where you can come and you don't have to have the right answer. You have so many people who are willing toe listen, help out and learn alongside you. I, even you'll see like shamans and consultants come by and be like, What does the power think about this? Because they know that we will sort of crowd sourcing and come up with an answer, even if we don't know it initially. So I think that that is one of the things I love about engaging. It makes the essence of this room something pretty incredible.