Jacob: Each Experience is Unique!

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How's it going? Everybody? Welcome back to my final campus. This was my last one because I'm actually about to graduate. You're going, Um, but today is a very special episode for the final one. I'm going to be interviewing some of my closest friends today about their Pacific experiences. We're going to have my lovely girlfriend, Hannah. We're going to have my little in my fraternity Benny and one of my favorite co workers ever. I am technically 1/4 year communication to the ex student here Pacific. I'm a senior music therapy major Pacific, and I play the French horn. Can you tell me why you chose University of the Pacific? Yeah. So my mom works for USC, and they're part of this tuition exchange program, and Pacific is a member of the tuition exchange program. Um, when I was applying to school, that was mainly applying to schools on the tuition exchange program, and Pacific was one of them. Um, looked through what they offered, and I saw that they offered Media X, And that was generally what I wanted to do, which I was kind of looking at multimedia, um, entertainment type of major. So I thought that applying the Pacific would be a good fit for a specific, mainly because this campus is really close to home. So it gave me the opportunity to learn more about my city, um, to be able to explore places that I didn't actually get to explore when I was younger. So I chose specific because I had to band directors that are Pacific alumni. When I was applying to universities, I was like, Oh, I definitely want to be a psych major, like, you know, like, I want to help people. Um, but I was also really invested in music throughout my entire high school career. They both reached out to me and they were like, You know, you should look at Pacific. They have a really cool music therapy program, which I think definitely like involves both of those aspects together. The Pacific I had reached out to, like, the faculty members. Um, and I was able to do a conservatory overnight, which was really cool. Um, and I just really like the environment of pacific. So that is why I chose specifically tell you what is your favorite Pacific memory? I think my favorite Pacific memory has to be a weirdly enough group projects especially like within media X. You're very collaborative with other people. Like, have getting that chance to, like, throw ideas around and then create something that we can call our own is really fulfilling and like, making those memories of these people that I really care about. My favorite Pacific memory is probably homecoming concert, especially my first one That is technically my first concert experience ever. Um, so it was really nice being able to go to, like a university sponsored concert event. I met all of my best friends at orientation, and I love meeting new students and getting to help them pick those classes. Even throughout the years as an orientation leader, I get to see these new students grow. So I've seen people from, like my sophomore year until now. So they're all juniors, and I'm they're getting ready to graduate to. I just love being able to tell students about Pacific and really advertising it to them, making them really happy about their first year experience. You mind telling me what is one piece of advice you have for incoming students? I think one piece of advice for incoming students is definitely seek out opportunities because there's a lot of this university has to offer in terms of resources, social life, um, research. The biggest piece of advice I can give to incoming students is to not be afraid to step out of their comfort zone and find new people to meet and new things to be interested in uh, club rush fall fast. Things like that offer many, um, new organizations for you to meet people in new things that you could be interested in that you might not have known about before. You might even be able to find a new major that fits you better than the one that you came into with. So my advice to incoming students would be Make sure to get to know your faculty. Um, and make sure that you know, you're developing that friendship and that relationship and, um, have them on your side There a resource for you at all times. So the better you know them, the better you're going to be, um, throughout the next four years of your college career, so yeah, Mhm. Mm..