Interview with Maia

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Okay, so we are going to start off with introducing yourself and why you chose Credible. Where did youse were All right? Born a majoring in fine arts. I chose Cornell because the miners program here. You can basically take all of the information that studios classes and kind of put it into your own style. Really? Place? Could you show me some of your fine art? Yeah, of course he is. So I have this piece that I'm working is actually really cool, Anna. So it has a lot like three D qualities, so only bye. Okay, so next question how you described the student climate, Quinnell so soon. I feel like everyone is a really diverse climate, and I feel like everyone's very accepting and welcoming of each other way. Don't know that we're all very different, but we all know that we all have a lot of things in common as well. So there's a lot of different ways that everyone kind of gets together, gets involved. We all just get to meet so many different people, right? Chase. What would you say? Like your favorite part of the student climate is my favorite. Part of the climate is definitely all the different opportunities that you have to meet. Is it playing just about one hundred sixty, being able to be in that climate and then also getting table Tio reach out into the other sixteen Yeah, fourteen. Saving fourteen thousand students here is absolutely amazing because I don't think that if I had all these other club options that I'd be able to even see any of these people. How would you describe the academic climate here? Back corner? I would say that the academic climate is really it's a lot of pressure, but I feel like it's a good amount of pressure to the point where everyone's pushing for their own greatness and for the greatest others. Uh, while everyone does come here having been the best, everyone also realizes that can't always be the best. So because of that, everyone's very open to trying new things and learning new things and going across campus to different colleges because we're able to do that as well. What would you say? It's like super competitive or not? I would say it's competitive to a degree, but in a way that pushes everyone to be great in their own way, in their own diver. What would you say? Defines Cornell and makes it unique from other schools. I think that the area where is definitely has a lot to do with it, because way are like our own small little city. I'm in the middle of nowhere, literally, like fifteen minutes away is complete farmland. As soon as you get in here, it's there, so many people in one area that it just feels like you're never alone for me.