Interview with Lorin!

The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
I am a women's studies, sociology and communication, Triple major and a minor and black Studies. Why did you choose Randy back? So I chose Went off making because I initially thought I wanted to go really far away from home. I didn't realize that the cost of like living out a living out of state on Doma fresh generation college students are really kind of the host call situation was left up to me and being a senior, I just wanted to go where I thought it would be funny on DH. I just ended up We're coming around off making one day on a football recruitment for my brother, actually, and I stepped on campus, so I've never been here before. It looks really nice, kind of like today's very sunny people were sitting outside on this Looks like it was It was a good social like this environment to be in. So I said, Randolph making here and what is the academic climate like like work, like balance, like how much work you have. We probably have a lot of work because you have multiple majors, but I think the academic, like, I guess rigor of it. I think it's challenging, I will say is challenging, not challenging in this sense of like, Oh, look, everything's you so hard but challenging the point that you have to put in Africa to put in work time. It's not just you coming to class, not having done anything, but at the same time. I also think that some professors are easier than some. Some person are harder than others, But I definitely would say I have to commit a lot of time into getting an A in this class. What is your favorite part about arms? See? And you're these report about I think the least we gotta have her arms see is the kind of click environment that happens not only just in social aspect but also when it comes to just different committee student led committees, organizations and different just, I guess, like different clubs and things like that, like the not just like the informal goose with the formal groups and organizations that happened on campus. A lot of people who do like a lot people weren't Captain's also tour guides and also a lot of twelve guys, also part of Greek life? I'm not think that that kind of falls into the sentiment that people kind of just do what other people are doing, not because they have true interest in it, but because that is just like, Oh, well, you're doing it. Why can't I do it? I'm that kind of goes to say that something I like about round off making. Is that me personally because I'm involved in so many things on campus, and I really don't have a good, distinct front group. I really don't have a distinct group of people that I hang out with. People kind of see me talking of lacking of lots of other people, something I like. What I'm making is that I have the ability to do that, but we'll find out making being a smaller college. I am able to meet ah, lot of people, nytimages students.