Interview with Jojo!

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Introduce yourself and explain why you chose Rained off. I only trust me about making because it's such a small campus. I looked campuses like they see you, and it was like seeing you, and they were just too large for me. I have classes with as many as twenty six people, and I've had dozens of small, like seven. Close relationship with my professor and some of my peers. It's also just close to home for me and about forty five minutes from here. We're just, you know, obviously not as a really bad thing. I addressed the fact that there's not a lot of my morning sun campus being African American Latino. What happened? You just just a minute, Shorty White describe the academic climate either in the school or in your major. Three, particularly just because I am an English major and a lot of Spanish classes and I take for my minor are based in literature, so I naturally just have a lot of reading to do. It's someone overwhelming, but you can balance it. There's no reason why you shouldn't have the time management skills at this point where you should be cultivated in time. Your skills to be actually able to cope with the amount of work they give you. You know you are able to have your classes and you know many Manager job, too. I worked on campus at three drops on campus, and I am proud of making melodies are compelled this. So I think investors don't take it easy on me, necessarily when it comes to work, but some of them are tend to be understanding. So it's okay if you miss an assignment here in there. If you see through an email and said, Hey, I fell behind, give this to you at this day or this time. With that, and what's your favorite? And the favorite part of write off making and why we'll start with a favorite just because it's used. It's not that it's not like they don't know that because they bring to their attention very often that there's not nearly enough parking on campus for the fourteen hundred three hundred of us that are here. Yeah, and each freshman class growing bigger because they keep, you know, adding things. So now we have a new science Copley, which brings in more science, just or stem majors. We have a new nursing major building a whole new nursing building. It's worth noting that freshman are allowed to bring cars because a lot of schools, they're not allowed to bring car. There's just there's not enough parking to calculate the amount of students that they have on this campus. He's more on the more palatable side, not just with my friends, like I've met some really to the awesome people here, like your friends on this lead and help me through God. Those went in the last three and a half years here, but also I can have, like, a genuine relationship with my professors, like I don't have necessarily have to be, you know, uptight Street. There were casual talk about these outside of academics, and that makes for better atmosphere because I don't have to constantly live my life like a stick up my place. It's really it's a more relaxed atmosphere, and I think you'll find it some colleges, so I did Thank you.