Interview with Jess!

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Hi. My name is Jessica Amir's on and I'm a senior at Ran off making college. I am a double major and behaviour in neuroscience and psychology, minor and biology. Cool and describe the academic climate of either your major or just in general. Uh, well, I like my majors, specifically the behavior neuroscience one because it is brand new. So I kind of feel like, you know, a lot of it was kind of trial and error, and it just feels like I'm having a lot of experiences that people haven't had yet. Usually people are involved in various clubs and, like tryingto, make the best of what they have here. So you would describe the student body as, like more involved. Even they're more involved than most other schools. I think we are just because it is a smaller campus, there's more opportunities. Where for us, Teo explore different, explore like different things that we want to Dio are like in my instance, like I started a club because there was something that I felt that we needed and so I took the initiative and was able to do something about it. What's your favorite? And these favorite part about making? I think my least favorite part would be the lack of parking. We just have a very limited parking, and I almost feel like faculty and staff have more like specifically designated zones for us. I know that freshman are only allowed to park in like certain areas. Many times, like especially when there's like football games. We are told that we have to move our cars elsewhere being that pay to go here. Uh, some of the things that I really like is that because it's a small campus, there are a lot of opportunities that you could take advantage of. Like many networking opportunity. Or you can, like, if you feel like you need help financially, easily access, access, someone who could help you with that. Or you can go talk to your professors if you're struggling and talk to pretty much anyone here.