Inside the Wilk: the Most Important Building on Campus

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Okay, so I want to give you guys a tour of the inside of the Wilkinson Center. It is probably the most important building on campus for students since there's so many resource is here. So I'm just gonna go over some of the awesome resource is in things that there are here for you to use as a student. Uh, why Service Really cool on B y u can't be services a huge It's really emphasized here, so there's tons of opportunities to serve you, Khun, Join service groups, clubs. There's like time places where you can just stop and serve or you can go as many times a week is you want a couple times a semester? So really any commitment that you want to give to service? There's just tons of opportunities out here. Where is the cream Psychological services? This is a place where any student can go. I think you have ten free sessions with the counsellor, so it's really cool opportunity. You have any claims about sexual harassment? Anything like that? It's the place to go. Is Faras inside this sexual harassment stuff like that? They put on a tux panels and different things throughout the year. Lose your ID. You can get a new one, but I think it does cost ten dollars. Anyone? You have a lost and found, which is a nervous, So lost items probably go shopping there. Karen, I think there are suits that were there um, there's no hair programs that be what you are. If you have big projects, we're going to print things or use like a lot of people configurations, get great plates to go put your books for you stuff like that.