College Dorm Tour Part 1 | Heritage Halls BYU

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Back out again with another you Today I'm going to be filming a dorm tour. I was on YouTube looking for a Heritage Hall storm tour, and there was none. Also make sure to hit that subscribe button and let's get on with the video guys, I apologize for the shaky footage, but I'm not good with the tripod. This is the first partner I'm gonna show you. So let me give you a closer look at the desk and the closet. As you can see, we have four drawers, ample space for no books. Well, it's not supposed to be rocking chair, but it is not my favorite. I've got all my other knick knacks up here and let's take a look. So it seems very small, but it's actually got quite a bit of space. So if you're worried about him, how many hangers you can bring? Harmony closed. This is the bad twin size bad. We've both got a Kia covers way too, right? I'm sorry. We're using command hook, even though we're not supposed thio because the pain is very fragile and chips very easily but well, just we're just crossing our fingers that the paint doesn't trip. My roommate has one in her closet, shoots her shoes on them so you can kind of do whatever you want with those, which is really nice. I have my camera equipment and all my other things. Anyways, you guys, I hope you really enjoy this video. I'm going to do apart to where I show you guys the rest of this dorm because it's actually kind of like a mini apartment. I'll be posting that in a couple days if you are. If you could BYU student and you're trying to figure out we want to stay.