I-House Tour!

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So now I would give you a little bit of a tour of my house or international house. Exchange students and international students live here, whether they're under God or graduate students. There's actually a really long wait list to get in, So I got really lucky being able to live here. Ah, lot of people live in the regular dorms are up on the ballot in Andi. There's some dorms that are on the main street that are about in, um, I for a twin room, which is what I have is 38,250 Tony's dollars a semester, which roughly is equal to look like $1,224 which for me is a lot cheaper than what I'm used through back at you like for a semester. One of my dorms on myself for a year was almost $6,000 for something similar, a double room with a bathroom. In addition, there's about 10 local students or less that live in my house as well s 01 of them is read over my roommate, who you've either will see the interview later, or if you've already watched it, then you've met her. I would highly recommend watching that interview to hear more about NCCU from like a local perspective. It's, I think, like 700 Chinese dollars and they could be wrong. It roughly equals about 50 U. S. Dollars, and it's like an actual hotel. It's included, but like breakfast in the morning, I'm gonna show you everything that's in my house. The hallway lights are and environmentally friendly energy saving lights. So the old dark until you walk by the lake of luxury like turn on when you walk by here we have, like, a little common area. Then every single floor has a water fountain here so he can get hot water. Um, if we go downstairs on the second and fourth floors of house, we have a common room. Well, here it's important to note that it closes at 10 p.m. Um Yeah. Like I said, we have comrades on the second and fourth floors. So for appliances in the eye house, common room, we have a microwave toaster. We have our water far fountain again that has warm cold in hot water. It's important to note that we don't have a stove, so we're not actually a lot toe cook Here. It costs 10 pennies dollars to use it, which is roughly about 32 cents. So we're going to take the elevator and I'm gonna go downstairs to our reception dust, and our reception desk has a security guard from 8 p.m. Too eight or 9 a.m. in the morning. There's always like a receptionist during the day or sick or the security guard at night. So my friend Ming, he's a security guard is down there right now, so he's going toe. You'll meet him, see why he loves working at my house. In addition to hearing some of the rules about my house from him. Okay, so here we have a litter is gonna click on the first floor. It's always nice here way Have, uh, just notices about what we can and can't do. You can see here that the visiting hours are from 7 a.m. to 11. My job is to look after the president's house and all right, Kat, wait. You mean my tones and my boys are a little bit weird. I don't like the first time you met me are Matt. I I'm the night another nice God, because I like, uh, make friends with people like social. I mean, uh, it is a great opportunity to met a different kind of people from yeah, for the world. I would say that like, Ming is definitely one of the most friendly faces here at the reception desk. I always ask you guys to leave in the common area lightly because you're going to treat you guys like adults, not three years old. Politely in treats us as equals and uber that's for me. It's very nice because you can eat it in the own confines of your own room and they come right to the door. They have to open up the door for him because you can't. I houses if you have your own like room card and you skin it on the keypad outside.