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My name is May I am an American University junior currently on exchange in Taipei, Taiwan at NCCU Super stoked to be giving you a really intimate look into my exchange experience. Um, so I am currently a junior at American University in Washington, D. C. But I am on exchange at, uh National Juncture University or NCCU or Holy Ginger sachet or Jenga like are all the different ways. I am a junior at a studying transcultural studies, which is, um, a concentration located within my literature department. I also miner in Mandarin language, Asian Studies or Asian American studies. I am originally from Rhode Island, which is a small state in the US, but I moved to D. C my freshman year to attend a U. So I do want to make a note that because I am an exchange student who has been here for three months already, I am actually in my last four weeks here, which has been really emotional, and I just I don't understand how went by so fast anyways, uh, for another day. Since I am in exchange student here at NCCU. I do want to make sure that you understand that my campus real tour is really, from my perspective as an exchange student who's been here for three months s. Oh, my experience, of course, as both being international and only as an exchanged in. It's gonna be a lot different from the local Taiwanese perspective. Throughout my campus riel tour, um, I'm including a lot of my friends who are local comedy students, and I hope that you can get more of a perspective from them in addition to all my friends here that are also on exchange with me. So to continue learning about my exchange program here at NCCU, make sure you watch my next video.