How To Get Into College

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I'm gonna close in college videos, beauty videos, flogs and all that stuff today in this video advocates held by the title down below. I'm going to be talking all about college and my experience applying to college where I'm going to college. Because I know a lot of seniors are about to start that college process, and it could be very stressful. This video related to college search is applying to colleges, my college essays and all that stuff. I'm sure the main reason why you click on this video if you guys have not seen my Daniel at Summer Blawg I mentioned to you guys that I might be going to community college, all of that stuff. The biggest question that I've been getting recently is a Where am I going to college. I just want to say that I'm not bribing in any way or trying to show off in any way about the schools that I got into the schools that I applied to my s a T scores my g p A. What I'm trying to do is just give you guys a look at what my processes and what my scores look like. Because if your scores are close to mine or if your numbers are close to mine, you could kind of get an idea of like what schools I applied to, what schools I got into and all that stuff. So when you're applying to colleges, you usually apply in the fall of your senior year. Like, the honors classes I was taking my GP. I was 3.4 when I applied for colleges. My fresh now moving on to the colleges that I applied to in the college is that I got accepted to brown a few college visits over spring break, and I didn't flog that. If you guys want to check out some of the schools that I visited, I visited Towson University, University of Maryland, and I kind of like went to Loyola. I'll have it up in the courts, got some check out my college tour logs. Another tip that I could give you guys if you're looking for colleges and stuff like that is to kind of know, if you want to start with the basics, do you want a big school. Do you want a small school or do you want a medium size school? Do you want to school with, like, over 50,000 caves? Or do you want a school that has, like, oh, almost like 5000 kids? So you kind of just want to know, Like what? It's going to make you feel more comfortable. I picked Kelson because they always say that Towson's like a small school with the big school feel. Like 20,000 kids at the school of 20,000 undergrad in which was really appealing to me because I still wanted to be in, like, a smaller setting and how smaller class sizes. So that means like if you get into that school, you're committed to go to that school, and I would only recognize early decision if This is a school that you're wanting to go to and you don't want to go to any other school. I don't think any of schools I applied to actually had early decisions. Oh, the schools that I applied to I probably records University of Delaware State University. Which the HBCU I don't want hbcu an HBCU is a historically black college or University of Morgan State University. So I applied to six schools and total And when applying to schools, I honestly recommend you applying toe whatever school you think that you want to go to what will be a good fit for you. I don't like saying like reached target and safety or whatever, because I feel like that gives you the connotation that have reached something that you can't really contain and the safety of something that, like, you know, you're going to get into because honestly, when come to the college process, you never know what the college admissions counselors are going to be looking for in a given year, and I feel like if it wasn't for, like, my counsel saying, brooch target safety, like drilling that into my head, I feel like I would have applied to you no more schools that were in that reached category, because when I applied to all those schools, I had no idea if I get into any of them, and I actually got accepted into all six of the schools I applied to. I probably would've applied, like Ivy School or something like that just to try. I got accepted Thio all six, the schools that I applied to, and I'm gonna talk about why I picked Callison University. So another my fourth tip, I guess, would be when you after you get accepted into the schools, look at the pros and the cons like Make a pro and con list if you're stuck between one school and kind of see what you like about the school and what you don't like about it, and then just kind of do that for all the schools that your you think you really want to go to. I really wanted that, like traditional college campus and all that stuff. You just kind of have to think about these little things that will define your college experience. Like if you are going to school and you know that you're gonna get a certain dorm and you really want your own bathroom like these are things that you might want to consider, like the dorm that you, the dorm options that you have in the food and the activities in the clubs in the sports, like Do they have a football team? Do they have a basketball team? Do they have, like intramural sports that have club sports so like when it comes to deciding you're what school you want to go to. You really have to think about the little things, not just the big name, because sometimes it's not really about what school you go to. Are you making college? So don't get caught up in the name and all that stuff because, yes, if you do get into, like, a very big interesting, like University of Pennsylvania or Stanford, like something with a big name that might help you. In high school, I went to the high school that was predominantly white, and I definitely wanted to trick the Shinto college setting that was more diverse. So that's pretty much all about what schools I got into where I decided to go all that good stuff. So community college is never a bad idea, Honestly speaking, because I was just in the position a couple weeks ago where I thought that community colleges where I was going to go, and I was very, very upset about it and very like I thought like, Oh my God, this is the under the world. Like I don't wanna go to community college, all that stuff. If financially, you're unable to go Thio four Year university or if you just don't know what you want to dio definitely consider community college as an option. Honestly, I just want to let everybody know that community college is never a bad decision. There's a really big, like stigma around it, saying that like community college isn't good, that it's really bad and all that stuff. I really want people to understand that it's not that bad, because I was in a position where I got accepted into all of these colleges and I had to consider community college as what, like Community college, is still college. If you have any other questions or any other video ideas that you want me to do when it comes to college, just go ahead and comment.