how to find a roommate at UAlbany

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The guy's S o. Tell him to come to you a little bit about how I met my roommate my freshman year, freshman year I lived on state quality, which is close is quiet to Colin Circle. Um and I lived to the tower Eastman Tower coming in to you all, but I really didn't personally know a lot of people who were accepted. I knew a few people from my high school who got in, but we weren't close personal friends. Plus, I want to meet new people, and I wanted to broaden my horizons person. So when you get accepted, you get told about this group Facebook Page three year and your incoming here. It was class of twenty twenty, uh, Facebook page and a lot of people through that would kind of advertise themselves and be like, Hi, my name is this. I like this looking for a roommate for this quad in this facility on. That's how a lot of people would connect and meet talk to each other or things like that. That's not what people found their roommate. I personally found my roommate freshman year to room service, which is a website that helps students find remains, obviously. When you get accepted to the university to get a little code, and if you input that code on room service, it filters out on ly people in your university. So you're not getting a match with people who need a roommate from stony broke at you. Yeah, and it kind of it kind of works like match dot com where tender But for a roommate, in the sense that you can, you have little bio and a picture and your lives, and they give you a little questionnaire to take about how your living style is like if you prefer to clean every few days, or if you prefer to take out the trash every day or stuff like that, that's hardly kind of see who would be compatible with. My match we met, we talked for, I think, the majority of the summer from the moment we were both accepted and methe rooms and all the way up until we met each and we don't live together now, But we still maintain a friendship. Yeah, that's all the rooms air from that time.