How the Meal Plan Works

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So in this video, we're going to talk about the new plan at Temple and just sort of gaming. So it's actually really extensive at Temple because there's the regular premium block. What kind of meal plans? There are four meal blocks at Temple. There's breakfast, lunch, dinner and fourth meal. So if you have the regular meal plan, then you could only swipe in one time during that meal block. If you have the premium, you could swipe in more than one time. So that's helpful if you want to go to the to a meal like so you want to eat at eleven. Or if you wantto like swiping a guest, then the premiums good and then blocks. I don't know their restricted as well, because I don't have a block plan. I have the pre a premium plan, but that say you got like one hundred meals per semester. So there are four regular meal plans, six premium eel plans and okay, so therefore, premium blocked plans. So the mu claims there's Jane each unlimited, which gives you unlimited meal slips that Jane age, which is that made like a major freshman dorm near White Hole. I don't have that premium fifteen because I live near the other main dining hall, Morgan Knighting home. Have the Jane, each one, that being said like, I still go to Jane each, but I don't need the unlimited settle live in the building. So that's more like I'd say, almost you live on that side of campus. It doesn't make sense to get Jane each unlimited plan. The premium twenty five like When you buy me a plan, you buy a certain amount of diamond dollars, and those diamond dollars can be used a ton of places on campus. First, they can speak like the fresh grosser, which is nice, but like there's a bunch of places like subway sacks. Bees too, potently believe pop belly, etcetera, and those places they all take diamond dollars. There are also places in the dining hall and under Morgan, down in the Food Court and the Student Center Food court, like Chick fil a salad were expand express, which which was a taco. There's some like sushi places, a Mediterranean place, etcetera. Those places take domine dollars, but they also take something called Milica Lindsay's and you get that with your meal plan. So thing with Amelia Clemency, which I love, because it's real easy. Like, for example, I have the premium fifteen, so that means I can have up to fifteen meals in a dining hall. I could only have up to eight b a meal equality. So if I'm really like going hard at the dining hall at the food courts and I want a ninth meal, I have to use diamond dollars or I can pay, like real money, like a credit card or debit card or cash or whatever to get the meal. I think that's a really nice plan, because that way you're like I get a lot more variety of my food and not just was going to the dining hall, and I'm not just always going and like standing in a long line for salad works. You can also use the miracles and sees at a couple of places like cozy, and then a couple of the academic buildings have not like like, almost like million mini like Delhi. You're just, like, buy something on your way to class, leaving class. So it's really nice you will not starve it temple. Yeah, there's a ton of options and you can even change your meal plan within the first two weeks of a semester. If you try something like this is not gonna work out for me. When you come to temple, it will be the perfect meal plan for you.