How I Eat Vegan in College

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I'm really, really excited to film this one, because this is something I think that I really would have appreciate it and took a lot of notes from when I was entering college. This is gonna be how At least I kind of make sure I keep up my vegan diet in college because it could be a really tricky thing. One because of food available into just expensive, often V in food or more of a vegetarian option is more expensive than, like the traditional, let's say like meat or non organic kind of thing. At least to me, it was really important when I went off to school that I sort of kept up with my dad because that's not something I really wanted to change. For me I was just more energy and clear my skin and just to make me feel a lot better because at Friends of Vegan, and that's the kind of recommended Medio on Guy did it. I go to Boston University and I have a lot of food options available to me, which I'm really, really thankful for. A lot as well you can really find begin things almost wherever you go. Label this vegan, and I'm really, really grateful for that. Um, but just some good like almond milk, at least for me. I Usually we use it for any sort of maybe on rare occasion cereal, but their replacement of coffee cream where I don't really like my coffee sweet or anything like that. This is what I sack on a lot, just some good Thomas and even usually I'll just buy anything of baby carrots. If on this today and it's just celery and carrots and I'll do this Thomas and this is the perfect, like studying stack for me because it's really simple. Um, have these were at Whole Foods? I'm trying to say I've never tried these, um, begin frozen burritos, beans price. Honestly, which is really just good source of protein. These are really, really good potato chips and not like the best for you, but like they're just well, what I get. I haven't tried well, this specific ones, but the Eagles are really, really good idea for being a dorm, at least for me. This is a really good option for mornings, because often I'm not gonna wake up before morning class to make breakfast. Everybody makes fun of me because I call it impossible, but it's really not like it. Then normally actually don't give, like, just fresh fruit like this because it's really, really expensive. Um, thes looks really good today and it is the start of second semester, and I need some just good quality food because I'm not gonna get sick right off the back of a snack. The apples in the dining hall suck, so I just got some good organic apples here. It takes me a while because almond butter is really expensive, and I like it significantly more than peanut butter like I would definitely pay the couple extra dollars to get specifically almond, but it's really expensive. So I'm trying to find like a brand that's really good isn't as expensive, and I think this one was the I think the cheapest one had whole foods today on. I'm going to be going to target tomorrow and Target is actually really good spot again. You would like to think there's a lot of good, like vegan food there, but I get a lot of granola bars and I'll get it just like popcorn. You know, at that this video you can see a little bit, but also I do go to Trader Joe's a lot, too, but it's a little bit further out. It's more downtown, so I don't know, go as often as they go to Whole Foods the target. It's actually relatively cheap Earth, then Whole foods. There's a lot of good fried rice, which we can do in the microwave that I have those air really good lunches. You don't need a good kid, and we got some pretzel. I'm really working on getting better at breakfast this semester, so I just have some oatmeal that you put in the microwave, and it's already, like, all done up. This is actually just really goodbye itself usually like to add fruit everything, but this doesn't really need it. Target so that this semester this is also really good. It's so you actually get, like, a lot of meals. These are expensive, but very, very good and a perfect on the ghost snack. The rest of vegetarian on Lee but it's Italian vegetables with pharaoh, so it's really good life do is put it in a bowl, microwave it up and it's pretty good meals. We got some a ga ve because I had a really hard time tracking it down Last time I had a sore throat was gonna prepare for next time. A lot of it's breakfast stuff because breakfast is really just something you want to do on the go. So I'm just gonna have a lot of things that could just be ready really quick or even I can take with me. That really just helps me preserve energy throughout the day.