Day in the Life

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Thie, upperclassman and calm usually don't have really busy schedules. A lot of her classes are called independent classes, where it's just kind of like one block of class of time. Not like two times a week were like with a discussion. So my schedule's pretty light, and I actually don't have any classes Mondays and Fridays, so I feel that with my internship. If I'm not, I'm internship in our free time. I will either hanging around, watch movies or TV shows from my friends. If I go out, I'll go to cafes around the city, visit some friends in other schools or just off campus. Michael did a lot of concerts at Paradise Rock Club, which is right down the street from where I live for House of Blues, which is right next on my part. Sometimes they go to museums like is Boast to regard the museum with buffet, which will get free access to because we'll be Houston's. There's a bunch more museums that we get access to. Regal Cinemas is right by federal was well, right now. Luckily, I only have one class today, but I think it most. I had four classes in one day, but that's not really typical, usually two or three. Personally, I prefer to study in my room or in some alone, just around campus. I prefer to mean places like the Calm Lounge or the GS. You just places that are, you know, a little busier, and I don't feel weird that study this building is the College of Communications. This is where I have all of my classes this semester. I'm taking three classes there right now taking storyboarding editing, the motion picture and sound design which are all really cool and very hands on production based I will be a luxury at the radio station. There are people broadcasting live in there every single day this week from six a. M. Two a. M. My show is currently a ten. What kind of a long trek back after my show at midnight, but totally worth it. This's the classroom where I have my motion picture editing class. As you can see, it's a pretty big room with a lot of desks in a big TV front. Obviously, this class can hold a lot more people, but I think my classes read maybe twenty people total Right now, I'm in basic dining hall, which is the biggest adding on campus, also known as Marciano Commons. It has two floors, and there's a ton of good food there. The chefs are all really nice and try to make really good food. Everyone simply best items in the dining hall of the Mac and cheese, which sometimes they have made to order. The Eminem, Blondie's our personal favorite line or any of the little high things that they have a different creams. I got prize and I got Moroccan Su casa across the grounds cream eventual suit. The dining hall says a ton of places on campus that you eat things like triple play. We have a blaze Pizza, auto pizza, bunch of cafes got life alive, which is an organic cafe reason canes, which is really big after sports games. None of them take our dining man points, so you're gonna have to pay and your money. So what a typical night in I usually hang out with my friends uh, the time He's pretty poor right now because all my friends have exams, A ton of work to do this week as well, Uh, which is kind of an inevitable thing In college, I'm sick, but typically on a night in with my friends, we just do some dumb stuff. It'll consist of us stealing desserts from the dining halls to bring back to our rooms. We'll play, you know, we games like Mario Kart or we'll watch movies were big fans of like, scary movies.