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So I my freshman year chose to live in Mountain View, so there's a few different living options. There's Mountain View, which is on ly sweet, so it's up far. These buildings are sweet, so we're in a double, which means that it's just me and even, and we have a bathroom that we share with two other rooms. As long as you really get on the housing portal and stay on top of it, you should be able to live wherever you want. I personally really likes living in Mountain View but didn't end up getting along with her roommates, so actually moved into new ing, which is where we are now. So if you have, like either like a disorder anxiety, a service animal, you're actually able to live in a single in New ing. Dickinson is more of like a condo like it's really, really big as well, yes, so they're They're called Sweets, but they're not like the streets in Mountain View. So in Mountain View, as I was explaining you actually at a huge common room and, you know, last base like kind of like throw parties like Do whatever you want set up the TV. But then in Dickinson we have flats, so Dickinson flats are either just doubles amenity. So I have a single and doubles or all singles s. So you kind of just got to decide where you wanna live. Dickinson is the most popular because a lot of people want to live in singles, so those self those go out really quickly. As a freshman, you're gonna have priority because they're gonna leave rooms opened specifically for a freshman. Another thing is him in him in is another living community that's in your mountain view. I would not return until, uh, yeah, if, if you if you can, if you like, have the decision to not live in him and don't live in Hitman. It's definitely not where we would try toe live or tell you guys to live. So knowing to consider, like the newest buildings hymns yet to be our older mountain views a little older, but a view is like up a hill. It's another thing is like Mountain view is up the hill, but it's really close to a lecture hall. That's not what your room's gonna look like. Watch our room tour That we is in another video like this is our room. We're living in like, a nice little brand new room. You have to live in that community to be able to get in. So if you're going to visit your front and mountain, you and you live in doing that, we need them to open the door for you. Something else is like the bathrooms here for us in new ing we share, as we said, a bathroom with the four other girls who live across the hall in next to us. Or if your boys that's gonna be on Lee Boys, I share the room with you is one toilet room and one shower room. I don't think I don't think, uh, most mountain view buildings are a hundred ways, because that's where I live. There's no cleaning services for your specific rooms. You need to take everything out of the bathrooms are like, unplug everything on and then also, like just so you guys know there's different living communities have strictness of like, partying. So if you guys like the partying type, I really recommend mountain beyond number one. Like Mount View is a lot of like athletes, right? Yeah, mountain views. It's like it's just like if you like, live on Thailand and there's different areas like I like a lot of people that come to being on center from one island. She's from Jersey like if I could explain it like Mountain View is like Suffolk County, South Shore kids and new ing is like Nassau County, nor short people. So just like when you're choosing your room, you might see break housing. There's a break, so just definitely keep that in mind when you're picking your room. I personally really loved doing like, now I've lived in mountain view and doing. The downside is the rooms were definitely smaller and the food is worse and it's farther. So now that I'm a sophomore, if I decide I want to live on campus. You have tto either be living with someone who's going Teo, whose lives in that place. So if next year I want to live in mountain view, I need someone. If I want to get priority, I'm gonna live with someone who's already in mountains because they had already don't live there again. So if me and even want to live here in this exact same room, we have pardoned you live in this exact same room like weaken before anyone else decides if we want to stay together and live here, we have priority. So another thing is like you are required to live on campus as a freshmen.