Honors College and Class Sizes

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Basically, honors is very similar, Teo, everybody, everything else, but our classes are a lot smaller. Like my humanities class has like twenty five people in my leadership class has, like fifteen and are my like English classes only twenty people, which is nice, but I know a lot of English classes are actually really big lecture halls, and we have like, a really close like our teacher at. It's our papers and stuff before they return, we turn them in and so it's really nice. I like orders a lot so far, so it's a lot of work, too. Every class is a lot of work, so it's good. College I'm in kind of like the entry level freshman classes. So my Smalls class is the history with five class and basically what that is. Every freshman here has to take it and you take it with other kids in your residence hall. Except for the honors kids, what that means basically is I'm picking the cost of all my neighbours and like people who live in the force about me. So that class is about what is he, like? Seventeen kids? It depends. It's college, which I don't recommend doing. You will get behind soul quickly, and it's not fun having to catch up because you just feel like you're drowning in everything but back to class sizes. That's like my Smalls class, I would say, And then my largest class is probably three hundred people in a very big auditorium. I like taking notes because I feel like I'm slinking auditory person. I know for some kids, they're more hands on. So small classes could be helpful because they can do more student projects, Iraq more with their peers. So I definitely working by looking into that, Could I know, for the most part, you choose your class. You can kind of see, like based on which classroom is how big the class is going to be. They say, like how many spots they got open sometimes It's like small numbers. Oh, two hundred sixty so I definitely would look into that if you're more worried about the size of the class and what you want.