Hofstra - Vander Poel Hall - Single

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This is a door on the twelfth floor of Vanderpool Hall, which is Thie honors college building. If it looks a little bit messy, it's because I didn't tell him that I was going to be filming his room. So be a little gentle with your expectations, but this is a single like I said on the twelfth floor. The room definitely looks pretty small, but in my personal opinion, it's just enough space that you need that you have enough space to move around kind of comfortably. There's also enough storage space available in the room between the closet, even it's and the desk space. You're also able to raise the bed as you saw that. It's pretty high off off the ground, so that's great for storing space underneath there as well. Really, any of the towers at Hofstra is thie incredible view that you get.