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I'm a senior marketing major at Hofstra University. I chose hop because I thought I was between picking two colleges on DH. I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do, so I actually wound up going with the cheaper option for me. Then kind of things fell into place where I was staying home and I was commuting. I, I was a little bit nervous that I was, like, not gonna have that cause experience because I was also commuting. I kind of worked my way up the ladder, and now I'm the president of it. So it's pretty cool to get involved in a half university, especially once you start meeting people through getting involved. You kind of get almost, like, addicted to it, so it's pretty cool. So can we talk you organization that you're now because it Yes, I would love to my favorite thing ever is it's Digits works. So every school kind of has like its own little dance works thing. So dance works is a student run organization at half shirt were actually the largest. We have a little bit over one hundred fifty members, so once you come to additions, anyone can audition for our club. Don't you come to auditions? You're in the club. From there, you can participate in our social influence events or every weekend way, hang out with different organizations on campus as well. A CZ do fundraisers every month or so, giving back to the community community. So we put on a fooling dance production show about an hour and a half. All choreographers and dancers are students here. Top shirt, which is pretty cool to see that they're doing all this academic work on top of this extracurricular, which is actually a huge process.