Hear from Sophia, a Public Relations major.

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Kind of cheesy, But what's your favorite thing about after? Mm, um, the diversity amongst the students on this campus. I come from a really? Is that what you call this? Like a really conservative town? So there wasn't a lot of different types of people around. So it's really good Teo people to be immersed in different cultures. If you could change one thing about half what you want, I wouldn't want to get a club on campus. My principal of my high school, actually what he was in college, had a club called Delta, which means changes the mass simple for change. So I feel like your foster had, like, a Delta club that was so cool. Just be all these people who maybe don't fit into certain categories that maybe they don't network. It's kind of like Greek life meets philanthropy. Halves is so So you're someone special on campus urine or a Yeah. You're so special that you want to talk about that for like all of thirty seconds. Give me the rundown on like what you are is How do you become one? Oh, men are is someone that resident can come to questions. Concerns any issues and talk to me about family problems, school problems. Submit an application like you want any formal, Then you got to recruit process. If you get to that group process, you get an individual interview and then you look for the best after that.