Get ready to check out the Baker Science and Math Building - One of Evie's favorite places on campus

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So Baker or the Science and Math Building is definitely one of my favorite places on campus. It is an absolutely beautiful building that was just created probably just a few years ago. So it's brand spanking new with all the latest research abilities, and the professors have full range of what pretty much they could do in each classroom. The building is really interesting in the fact that, like because Cal Poly is mostly on a hill, the building starts from Floor one and then increases. When you go in these double doors right down here, you'll be on floor two and then it goes up from there where it looks like that before one. It's not because hills, but it's an amazing building will show you around real quick. I'll show you my old classroom where I had my physical science class. I'm a little studies major, so we pretty much learned the basics of all science order to teach children. It's really cool, classroom, super awesome technology in there. Then I will try to look into something chemistry, classrooms, can. Majors can't go with them, but I'm going to try for you for science. Super Beautiful In each floor has their own little lounge area outside. They have cushions and couches where you can go study.