Frequently Asked Questions w/ 3 Other Colgate Students!

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If you haven't been to any of my campus real videos yet. I'm a rising sophomore university, working with our admissions office, trying to produce content during this kind of uncertain time with Cohen, 19 to kind of try and give you guys a picture of campus despite tours being hard and travel being different right now in the world. This video isn't really about me that much. The video quality on Zoom calls this kind of iffy, especially with one of the videos just, like blurry. How did kind of combat how kind of combating privilege and I have experienced for people. Talk a bit about like what you do on campus, Like your class here where you're from, stuff like that. Pronounce our she they I'm kind of like in everything, but I'm not actually like a student club. Oh, like I haven't kind of involved with Yes, you and bold with sort, which is sisters on the round table. I'm also kind of like a pioneering, uh, 30 brutalization off the Harlem Renaissance in on campus. It's like what made you start looking at Kobe as a school when you're looking at colleges? And then why did you actually choose Toe Chemical? Like what? Major decision got acceptance All the colleges I applied to, which is like a really big thing to me. They do hit different sometimes really dio e looking for really small liberal arts college ist that would provide a really intimate experience. One of the things that made me hesitant about Kobe was the fact that it was in the middle of nowhere, but ultimately I came around because it's like just the on campus community is so great, like I don't feel the need to go out and like be in a city which is one of the things that attracted me about Richard. I don't feel the need to do that here cause there's just there's enough to do on campus and, well, um, okay, Further, I'll start with the sound of General. So I actually kind of like the small town, um, like ambiance and everything. I really want to go to and like, they have the bookstore that, like, has a lot of school supplies. I'm not gonna lie um, I think it depends on who you It's around yourself with, like, I have, like, adventurous friends. Like, we just make, like a party out of doing anything on campus, and I really enjoyed that. Then we also have the means to actually campus like my friends have a car, you can rent a car. I'm not gonna lie um, I think it really depends on who you surround yourself with. You can find something out of nothing or create like your own seen in this holy different What would you say? Are you? And try and be as honest, like brutally honest? Possible? What is your favorite? And these favorite thing about Colby? I think my favorite thing is just how really self contained it is. They've done a really good job of making it so that, like you really don't feel the need toe, like go out too far. They're like, Oh, yeah, this comes But this salaries when we could talk about this in this and then we really do you so, so much t. It's ridiculous. My favorite thing about Kobe's probably it's a mix between either the people or professors, because, at least in my experience, all the people I've met and gotten close to have been absolute beers and all the professors have been with big genuinely care about your success and will do everything there followed to propel you just plead like Professor Kelly. So for being such a small school, they have so many resource is, And since it is a small school, those resource is don't just get diluted. The A lot of students actually do have a chance to take advantage of these reports, and the perfect sirs, I think, really Colgate does a really good job with balancing like the work and like like being just a tough college with a lot of hard work but also being a place where you can like how free time. Colgate does a really good job of like making sure that doesn't happen, that people are still having fun. Its biggest strength, I guess, is actually acknowledging that they do have issues and they are working towards solving. Colgate actually strives to make the change doesn't make a monumental impactful change. I'm not sure depends on the issue, but it definitely does, like keep on working towards equity and inclusion and keeps on working touristy schools that they like putting out. Do you have anything you want to say to a prospect of student was like thinking about going, so to be real with you, prospect, wherever you are, uh, it is gonna be frightening at first. It was one of my most wrestle kind of five months, or I had literal 10 page papers do and like, 12 hours. Laughs offer you come for, especially when things on campus gets off on my little I will get soft, whether thirst, like a racist incident or, um, schools like, just like bogging you down. Um, definitely have people that you can rely on and fall back on. Actually say, I'm gonna learn from this Not just like Oh, well, I just, like, actually do something about it. Also say that Colgate is definitely a good choice and I think that, like to really know what they're getting into. Justice for what the school really provided for students. So those are my friends, and they're kind of opinions and perspectives on Colgate. I hope it was helpful kind of painting a bit of a better picture of campus or how what camp, school, trying be like, Yeah, So as Jacob Side company, current students will be the best way to get a feel about campus is, like, kind of get that authentic kind of student experience. It's like contact with one of us were kind of distributed in different areas. You have people like that so you can kind of find in specific areas you want to talk to their or I'll leave.