Food Talk

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So I just sat down to eat, and I got salmon and all this wonderful stuff that they decided to load into my, uh, into my dish. So I figured that I would take this time to talk about his diet. So we have so many places to eat on campus that I already know that I'm gonna get right now. I'm in the main dining hall, just student center to show that I am. On basically the students under this kind of set up like a food court mall where there's just like a bunch of different options to eat. There's twenty four hour breakfast, which is awesome. Have a kind of like a convenient story that makes really good pizza. We have a Dunkin Donuts coming with this really cool way. We have the regular all bump in, which is kind of like Pinera's. We have dining in the one of the lecture halls on and actually do the lecture halls, and we also have something called Bits and bytes, which has a red mango frozen yogurt we have in there. There's pizza, salad station, just a bunch of different stuff, and it's all really good. Oh I keep forgetting that there's so many, and there's also one more We have more of like a diner esque feel in one of the living areas called the Netherlands and April's had deli.