Food on campus ft. our dining hall

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It's kind of hard to film right now because it's raining. I just started my morning off with coffee right near campus, and I'm back on the main street in a wreck. No. So the other day I talked about how most people I think most people here and to see you. At least exchange students don't eat in the cafeteria here on campus, and Tian is going to give you a little bit more insights about the cafeteria food, I guess. What do you think of the dining hall food on campus like you? NCCU since think it's good. I think most of them things they're good, like my roommate. She likes the food in the cafeteria, but actually I think that because like Coventry was supposed to be cheaper than the outside. I would say that It's like what 70 Japanese was like 85 for okay, Yeah, so that's about like the same price that you get on the main street and the main street just has more like Donny options, right? Yeah. So we're gonna walk there now, and I'll show you what it looks like. We're heading to the cafeteria, which is that building right there. Maybe a little bit of entertainment, but entire and late as usual. We called his Shanti Low like this eyes, despite the spice. Since he's just murmurs Oh, that's funny. Yeah, I'm not What type of women in here? What? That's all? No. The last time we ate here, which was about few weeks ago, there was an earthquake in here. Tianna, Will other food do they have in here? Yeah. What type of food do they have in here? Way in style, huh, Stan? To, like, style on the gun discount after six o'clock. So we're not eating the cafeteria, but we're going to this place right here.