First Weekend At College!

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Don't know what they're going to talk about. Wait, are you saying goodbye to you later? All right. She is a psychology major, and that's, uh that's cat looking gas. Okay, so you're a nurse, you know? Yeah, we're working on it. You got here is only our third day out, you know? Hey, are free water forgot my water bottle. That's the way we're closing of the session off on, like, hot topics. Not once we get there, and it's like 1 30 We did not know that Steven Tall was 30 minutes away from, uh from the West Village. It was actually kind of nice, like, actually, children's that because, like, pose a formal role chanting it was a really long walk. You know, we're just showing It's like, 4 10 I'm gonna start editing my moving logs. So by the time you guys watching this, it should be up, and I'll leave it up in the cards for you guys to check out a link down below. Just one last session and they were gonna get dinner at paws and it's gonna be so good be popping. I'm sell a She's a popping because like OK, yeah. There's no you come back all right? If you guys are, uh goes hand and you guys are Eagles fan, just calm it down. It would always Maryland's financed Ali, I'm going. What's your name? Major exercise signs as of right now on your instagram name. Uh, call Myra Mea j a n e a l m a I r. Yeah. You're living in your major in your instagram handle. Texas told Texaco's bomb Chicken, lettuce, tomato, onion and possible sauce on it comes with fraud, but it comes like like chips in them. Jim on campus is so nice, they literally just opened it like last semester. So we're on verdict right now, and they're doing, like, a three point shoot out. You're like a tracking everything but here. What's up? To sneeze you with this? I just uploaded my moving locked. I just uploaded it and I smelled a lot of stuff wrong, because I will go. I will come like 7 30 And I was like, Are you on board? So I was like, Harlem use at this Uploaded, right? Why was that hard? You know, I really should not have been that hard. Anyway, we'll go really early, like, at it and everything. I made some mistakes in that block hey, you gotta move Lock. I took a shower once a dining on, everything in ate lunch, and now we're about to go to Target and TJ Max, we're going with TJ Maxx. You have, like, a couple things that need to get her a room, and you guys might help. Sophie is calling you right now, and I actually put on real close. Actually, this okay? Actually put road clothes on surprise. I actually got it from Plato's closet for, like, $20 when I was like a sophomore. You got the Forever 21 0 h and okay, Yeah, uh, are because we love her. It's like the first time we were actually going off campus and doing something leaf. I added up in its under $24 then here, Sophia will be under 25. I'm literally under $25. All of this stuff I got this m toe hang up over my bed. I'm not succeed with everything, Honey, I have like one, too. It's like a Holmgren's last name Max type of thing. Sofia suggested that we go toe gear first because there's, like, a lot more stuff a lot cheaper. We're just gonna end up in a Wal Mart if we don't find everything. When you're paying out, there's no one like I was like, you know, like a Maryland.