First Day of Freshman Year at Northeastern University

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So I couldn't really film in my room this morning because I I'm not very comfortable with building in public yet, especially since I'm new to the school and you two, you two being so I'm gonna try to make my clips concise if I'm in an area where someone's gonna walk in like someone just did. The plan for today is I have one class that starts at 9 15 and it's a little after nine now, So I don't think it would be able to get breakfast the way I wanted to. There's an event happening at, like, noon or one. Since we are still technically you're doing are welcome with Great. I just finished a class about 10 minutes early, so I'm, like, halfway done with the day. I'm about to pick up my package and head back to the door of the fridge. I went back to my dorm room just for a second so I could put away my breakfast sandwich and just chill for a second in about 10 minutes. I have to leave and go back all way to the other side of campus, where just waas for the designing your career thing. Like, I guess I'll get to talk to people from that department, and I think that's really helpful. Eat a little bit of this and then put in the fridge. I'll probably end up going to the library until my next class. I'm also noticing that there's like, a lot of really places that you can just sit around and do work outside e back to my dorm have, like, half an hour now before my last class of the day starts. So I think I'm gonna just do some work in a little more casual setting until then, because I was getting a little tired of being in there, and I'm gonna make myself some tea. Actually, I think a lot of my classes were gonna be challenging and that maybe worse. Mito deeper thinking because I feel like I'm good at school. You know, they want you to do like that analysis, like, why aren't things the way they are? Oh, yeah, That's my eyes on you. Where's the I honestly, I think it's another saying No today. Unless the system here cat Meyer sitting back in front of the boy pond where I was before. I have about 20 minutes now before my next endeavor, which is the fashion and Beauty magazine. So that avenue magazine meeting was only like, 15 minutes. Now we're heading to a different meeting that started at the same time. It's like 6 20 at this point, But better late than never, right? I am back in my dorm. After that second meeting at the African American Institute, it gave me pizza. I d I'm probably just gonna put this away until tomorrow. As the school year, starting off, having lots of, like, walk event. So I haven't even used, like, a lot of my meal plan meals. I may just start picking them up and then see if I need them in the next week. Like five things that aren't going to spoil for a couple days. Like maybe yogurts I can eat in the middle of the night or whatever. Yeah, I was gonna go to this other thing that was happening. What is it? I think it's like a cappella singing thing happening at the late night show area that they have, but I decided not to because I have a ton of reading to get done. Okay, So I just decided to take a shower and stay in my dorm to do my reading instead of going to the library. I have one chapter to read from this, and I don't remember what else I have to do. I have three classes tomorrow, two of which I'm repeating from today. Another one is a new on its little social enterprise, which I've already been assigned like a bunch of homework for us. Then I will maybe do a little bit of editing or do a little bit of work on my submissions for the magazine. I'm already so burnt out, and it's not even 8 30 I'm done with me. I'm just gonna start editing this video for maybe half an hour and then head to bed. I'm saying this Let me know what kind of college videos you guys want to see. Once I get into it, I might have some, like, tips and tricks that I can give you guys just let me know, right? Yeah,..