My East Village Freshman Dorm

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This is the view when you first walk into my room just bad. Straight ahead on the right. Here you have my closet, my roommate's closet than my bed on the right and then hers on the left. I have this dish right here that I use Well, now you know what I use it for. Use it wash dishes and I have my bottle cleaner right here. That's why it's still sitting here and then dish. So some hand soap right there in pumpkin pie, Spice sent and then auto holder with cotton balls and Q tips. I like how I added this white like it here, which I basically just put on top so I can, like, cover myself without getting under the covers of like Put on My PJs at or whatever. How about your mother poster? Which is like one of my favorite sitcoms of all time and then friends? And this one's really huge says everything I know in life. I learned from friends, and then it has a bunch of different references to the show. Different quote lessons that they learned such as Never used. Over here I have the breakfast club poster, and I actually just read Watch this movie. When I first watched that movie, I didn't really. So that's kind of cool reference to have on my wall over here. I have a picture of my friend and I, and it's really cute because it's one of those cases where you shake it up. It's really huge, it says, just a girl boss building her empire. If you guys want to see that log that I did like a couple months ago, I have a cute little mirror. I love how everything I have is a quote, cute little something, Um but I really like the Roussel frame, and then right here is kind of just where I put my dish is too dry. So I just It's laid out a rag and then just wash things and leave from here down here on the left hand side, I have some magazines, a textbook and then a combination of books that I purchased for school and books from the library that I plan on reading and then not right corner. It works awesome for $6 and then three different journals that I have because, you know, as a journalism major, do a lot of reading, and I have to like by better ways to express himself. So I just have journals for, like, my different ideas and my thoughts and whatnot. So in this top basket right here, my roommate has for different meals and some sacks, and I have off t. She is 72. I have team multiple will tea or coffee, tea and or coffee like multiple times a day now that I'm here. We've got a freezer, which is already I kind of like piling up with some stuff, just in case we don't feel like going to the dining hall that day. Oh, there's not much to see down here, but I've got Well, first of all, I have this adorable rug, if you can see any part of it. I really wanted one that stood up so that I'd have more space and I could push it out of the way comfortably without worrying about tripping over it or whatever. So I just put all my dirty clothes down in this bag and then wash it as needed. Like, clean and dry my clothes? I'll put them in this one and cool. Let's drink together and it just keeps like it makes sure that I don't put my dirty clothes clean. Super awkward, but basically just running through what I have up here. I've got some hangers, some hair, larger hair related items and that one scarf under here. Jean's work shirts, and this is a and indeed, a sweatshirt to a phone Over here. I just put my jewelry and I only really brought like, a few pairs of earrings and then a couple of necklaces, so no big deal a top. I have more hair accessories, but more like headbands in that kind of business. I've got some brushes in here, some Bobby pain falsies which don't even wear, um, just stuff like that and then just a pile of different bags that I can use a really institute, five slightly. Then the way I set up my closet area here is I have my short sleeve shirt. Basically, somewhere in here are dresses, and I like to set them up based on Rainbow Order. Just so it's I don't know just what looks nicer, I guess, but a lot of them are patterned, so it's kind of hard to distinguish like, Oh, which pattern should I put first? It's kind of dumb, but I just think it makes it look like a little bit cleaner down at the bottom. So that's really nice off their rain boots because it's been raining for a few days now, on and off. The only thing I really paid attention to is if it couldn't fit underneath or something. Yeah, I feel very fortunate to be living here, and I will reveal which, um, dorm living in at the end of the school year and what not.