First Day of College Vlog

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I said I was relieved by e 30 which is good is really high long Hey, some away to my first class of the day, which is calculus. Excited because I didn't really get a couch in high school. Shout out to my 12th grade last future, Miss l She was amazing. Literally like the best teacher I've ever had. So that's why I'm excited for Cal. Give us and I mean, like, I really don't like math, but like, I'm excited for math because my teacher was amazing collecting me. I don't like first cosmic response was in a battle. All I got done, I like 9 50 almost like 10 o'clock. I've got some girls that are also in my class as well. I was filling out my player and all that stuff because I realized that I have a lot of stuff to do. I don't feel like 15 minutes for 30 right now, Professor, Feeling actually talked a lot and stuff like that away. I'm I like what I like Broad. I got no book to that class because we had, like, a reading to do and stuff like that. Like we had a discussion, it was a lot of fine, actually. Like I have to get one of the like, textbook things online. I've stood by that tonight because, like, it's definitely required. This is so pretty well and okay, I feel like I took a long way, but whatever. I'm away my last class of the day, so that was cool. Some people who's asked me if I was lugging, so yeah, I'm having a really good person classes. Oh, way to a spin class cycling class starts at 7 37 17 or now. You were on our way got our new like shirts that we got from T. J. Maxx of you having to see my first week in college log. I don't know if I'm a hit out on love it uh, we're gonna be Oh, I tell you, I think you take a break. Um, she wasn't really gonna instructed, but it was a lot. I think I need to learn down so you don't need a trial.