Final Advice and Goodbye!

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So one piece of advice that I would give is to keep an open mind about what school you want. So even though a school may seem ideal for you or people are telling you that it will be a good fit, it's important. Teo, look inside of yourself and to define, make sure you know what you want personally, because ultimately it's going to be your experience at whatever school you're at. I think LMU is really special because people are very welcoming it. No one's going to be deliberately hostile to you. People are very friendly, easy to make friends, Aske people already stated in the student interviews. It's just a really great environment where the Arthur supported stem ist supported everything is really student driven. The professor's really care about their students and their personal growth and learning this personally. Um, people were tryingto kind of pressure me until liking that school, and I just knew inside that that wasn't for me. People are so welcoming, and it's just really great place for me to thrive. They have such great programs for math engineering. There's so much around you, especially being in L. A. There are so many different opportunities, so it's a really great place. You'll know a lot of people, but you also won't know everyone. I don't want to try toe pressure you and telling you I strongly encourage visiting because it's such a game place. I hope that you think about LMU as a top choice and come to telling you to have an in person tour. Thank you so much for coming on this tour with me, and I hope you have a great rest of senior year.