FAQ-College Advice

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So if I were in high school again hours giving advice to myself, I would say that you should be talking to him, but I'm also talking. No. I would say that you should do what you love and the rest will follow. I know definitely in high school that I really overworked myself trying to impress college admissions officers. I did things that I genuinely did not enjoy doing. I, I signed up for clubs that I had no interest in, and I took classes that I really didn't like. I mean, I think it's important for you to start getting into that mentality now, because in college, you there will be classes where you just won't have to take. If you do not like it, you don't have to take If you just knowing that and knowing plate how to be comfortable in what you like and what you don't like it something that's really important, um, something that no one can teach you. I'm going to do this for my benefit and not somebody else's or not to impress somebody else is a skill that's really important. Then also doing things that you don't like to do is a waste of your time when you could be having fun taking a nap, You know, So don't do it.