A Single in the Butterfields!

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What you gotta do? You like this? Make sure subscribe and check out the song that I just put out on a bunch of platforms. I know I've left it in, like, my last three videos like, I'm really excited about it, so make sure to calm it down below. Like, what stage of life are you like? Are you a high schooler? A college student? Just like let me know. I have some containers with, like, cleaning supplies and miscellaneous things are cutting board and also my, like, shower, caddy and stuff. Then right over here, we have Mattel paying on this, which was actually originally for my mirror, but like the command hook that had this up get falling off the wall. If we continue moving over, you have my bed where I do a lot of important things. My life, it and stuff is for Mikey s. Oh, that's just kind of like where basically, all the stuff is from. If you're curious going back over here, we have my full like organization intensive like dishes and everything. I got this online, I think, on Amazon or something, and it's actually, like, really useful. You know, up here I have my wife board, which I don't really keep updated like This is stuff from, like two weeks ago. We have food, as you would expect, a bunch of half drinking like teas and stuff because I can never finish anything. No, this'll is my bass guitars just chilling over here. Like it or not, I have another poster here for the Western Film series. I have like spices and cereal and paper towels and like random, other surfaces, and he was supposed to be here. It's It's just got, like all the stuff I use. I don't really need to go in depth, have some books. So this is designated for and then a bunch of, like, last things that I washed to reuse and like my coffee and then Rahman because, you know, you got, like, you know, everywhere for stealing food from the dining hall. It's like one of these little rolling carts, but I just keep hats and, like, random other stuff in there like I don't know for breathe motion shoes for country. I really like it with the naked eye right there on then, of course I have my mirror so I can take all of them your selfies for Instagram and such. This is a really overpowered speaker, but it it's amazing. Then I have boundary stuff, a guitar case, a guitar. I like there was another shooting and like, it's just like a bunch of things. I feel like I've been really disconnected from my activism that I was super involved with in high school. I was like, I need to do something So I made Pistol is basically over here. Is it to someone like the best quote since I got here? Basically, it's just car thing that my grandma sent me and then a Polaroid of me and Mason as cows Isn't that adorable? Oh my God, I was a car Halloween with George and his house. So just like make up near Hey, this is like full of my YouTube editing stuff. This normally has my like, watch and necklace in it, but I'm wearing both of those things currently, so it's not their school supplies for the school in this cool lamp from Baekje surprised a computer because everybody puts their computer on their nest for amateurs. I don't really know why, but it's there a mantle. This is far from being like a voice over something, and then I have, like a perfume and then my medium cheddar cheese, because that it's probably one of the most important things I have with me. Basically everything that's all my window still here has some sort of like meaning to me or like a story behind it. So I probably seems really random, but like my karate instructor made these for me. Not really a special meaning behind there, but they're necessary. Then just like more things like that to your cards got my gemstones charging on the window sill you feel are cool rock I found in Oregon. I love this bad boy, and then my plants and watering can plants used to be over there, but they were ever here now because I can appreciate them. These lines are really nice because they, like, block out all the light. The really nice because they're definitely like privacy. I have my amp for my bass guitar, and then I also have another guitar case back there. That's kind of like it for what's usually in here. If you under this video make sure to let me know by leaving a lycan. I also felt like it was my responsibility to let you know that the beautiful tree that was in Friday's video, the beautiful red one that I was freaking out about isn't out naked follows confusing to me.