English, English English! English Major, English Honors (EHP), English Awards. Let's Talk.

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So I keep mentioning the HP English programming and honor student about, but never really went into detail about what it is for each piece that's working, honest program, the English honest program. It's what we do really well in English classes, you don't need to be an English major. To be in English, honest program, you just need to get you just You just need Teo, Uh, at least a three point five g p a. In your English classes. Just your English classes for the English honors program. You you get like, early registration access to so the English courses Because to graduate everybody, no matter what we do, you are you need to complete at least two reading intensive classes. Because everybody needs complete at least two, sometimes the English classes. The advanced English classes are the only what are the only classes that are writing intensive. So if your HP major, you get early access before it opens to everyone, we have to speak to win and violence that they knew. Teo Register for another way also have, like our special room in the English department. They have little round table where you can sit and eat. They have, like four computers in the room and the fender. Usually, if you wantto work or print something, you have to show idea microcars people to the library or the computer. You have to do for they just go straight into the room and just he's computer and printer stuff for free without having this, like Ricardo anything, even though always exclusively for English irons, program people, a lot of people so bring their friends. Then it's not for English majors, only for English Honors program. It's made in the image on a program, but a lot of people, including myself, have brought other friends, and they're from other meters, and it is for students old, so they're not gonna know also for the difference between English honors program and the regular English major is also one of the courses that you have to complete is an internship. So a lot of people what they knew leaving, they have a school newspaper, and they also have then the richer literary and arts magazin that's obscuring the favorite sport. Really, I'm sure you've also notice that a lot of people I've interviewed have been from scare a lot of them, including myself. I started out as members because they joined because they needed to do the internship for when they joined. The internship, which is worth five credits and we also have to do and special honors pieces for the season, is what we have. We're given the list of the current full time professor is here in the English department, and we have Tio come on with these is and pick one of those professors to be our mentor and pitch things is there. This is where having a good relationship with your professor because you can share a professor so we gotta move quickly. So make sure you get the professor you want, and they're probably gonna show more priority to it that they already know or like it's first come, first served. My experience with this was so for the English major. Well, they're great literature in high school, right? You should have Professional writing is like grants and proposals and stuff like that. Copy writing, creative writing, ISS poetry and short stories, screenplays and stuff like that. A majority of people, everyone that is like fiction, poetry, even the professor is what I decided to do for my thesis was right the screenplay, because I was also a film minor because I want to work in entertainment and do so. I decided to write a screenplay, and it was very hard for me to get a mentor because even the ones who specialized in creative writing, they only about fiction or poetry. I find more or less I'm doing my thesis on my own. I still think you're in the acknowledgments, but between I got high honors. So after you complete your thesis and you get your grades, you're not done there on English Day. There's a special room in the music building, a board room. Yes, it is a process how you came up with the idea what the process of creating a thesis was like anything that you learned from it. I get it kind of helped you in the job world because completing that thesis counts as a professional credit. You need this many years of professional experience or something like that, Theo, and it's like a year is a year of experience because you start writing pieces in the fall semester. You have to complete the pieces Bye, the end of the fall semester, which is like a few days before Christmas. Next semester after you finish your thesis and springs the master towards the end of spring semester, you have to give a presentation on pieces, then go to the art gallery. That's where we have the English awards ceremony, and they've had essay writing, competition, poetry contests throughout the schooling here and at the ceremony is where they get they were. Any other, like obscure, usually gets an award for editing. You get really get in a word for editing on for, like maybe most successful campus event and stuff like that on they usually monetary rewards, too. I've heard a lot of people usually don't apply, so you have a very high chance of winning.