Eating at Gonzaga - With Ajay

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It says that, uh, Gonzaga's an A for the campus food. I'd probably give it up, be probably the cause, which is where we mainly eat food, which is our biggest cafeteria here. Gonzaga is has, like, all right food on it, all right to good food on the week days. Usually me and my friends go out to eat most of time. There's also another option, which is called Cataldo, And in that place they have like a set menu for, like the entire semester or year. I don't even know I've only been here first. The food is food is good overall, and there's a lot of options. There is vegetarian options, not good, which turn off options. Not very many things that don't have dairy, which kind of sucks like you can ask for it without dairy, but like it isn't as good. They serve a lot of red meats, like they sort of beef. Almost every single day and pork as well, and they certainly sometimes don't even serve chicken on some days. Which is kind of odd things to me because chickens like the healthiest meat that I know. Although meal plans are similarly priced, they're about like five thousand dollars per year. Then it can go go down to, like, about forty dollars. Somebody do you want unlimited swipes into the cafeteria's that you could get a top tier platinum plan? Or, if you want more bulldog bucks, which you could use a Starbucks or other restaurants this then you could go for Lord.