Dorm Room Tour of Triple Room in Anacapa

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Okay, I'm going to be giving you the official dorm room tour of fourteen nineteen, and Anacapa. We have this this on the outside of the door. It's everyone's names and where we're from, and then we have a cute little sign thing. I'd say it's a decent size and then you have three drawers. So the first drawer is like Law, but you have to buy your own lock so it doesn't come with a lot, but you can't lock it. So I keep like my camera, my computer sometimes and things that are just valuable. Then these two open these up to show you how big they are. They're like cushions, so that's really good. Um, and then we got my roommates deaths over here the same size and stuff. Then we got my roommates, one of my roommates beds, this's the loft one. It doesn't come with a lot of but you can, like, requested it from. If you just go to the front lobby, you can put a request in for that. If you don't have a ladder than you just go up here, which I do that and it kind of hurts. It's only about Yeah, we gotta kill rug in here, and we also fridge as well as a printer of top. Then here's one of my other roommates beds, and this is my bed. There are two closets, so if you're in a triple, you have to cut it into thirds, which is kind of annoying. Then with each clock, every person in the room has like a drawer. Think it's this one, so there's two drawers and you can put your clothes in there, too. Um open this one up, and there's also a storage shelf right there. Then there's three little area's up top for more storage. There's also a mirror inside of each closet. Guys, and you can see from right here through the window that there are a bunch of bikes outside, so that's like one of the main by drugs. Right outside my room, So that's really convenient. Everyone parks their bike there and bikes to class, so the rooms do come with one of these trash bins and then recycling and trash. So the maintenance or the housekeeping people take out the trash for you every other week? Yeah, every other week and then recycling have to take out by yourself. It's not that hard of these walls that we have are like push panels. So you are a lot to put in, like pins and tax like that. More of my roommates also put up like pictures that way, with, like, push pins and stuff like that. That's really helpful, because I know a lot of places don't let you use tax and stuff in terms of storage. I feel like because me and all my roommates thought we brought way too much stuff initially when we were moving in, but it all worked out. OK, so here's just overall look of the room, give you an idea. On DH. Then there are a couple like hooks right here by the door and too little power Rangers. Overall the room is not that bad. A triple might seem like it's very like squished. It takes a little time to get used to because especially if you like. I have never shared a room before, but it's not that bad. Um, we're doing just fine guys? Yeah, yeah.