Dorm Room Tour

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So I think it's time to show you guys my room, right? So a week into it, there is a code that you have to take that is given to you. Then you have your wardrobe For whose and stuff. So this wardrobe, like all of your coats and things. Then you have to understand these were just miscellaneous things and towels. I'm depending on how many clothes that you have. One six key thing that you could always do in college to Max in my storage is to raise your bed. Which is what? So I when I move, she Williams I brought around seventy bases and they are all behind that George so, like and their large suitcases. So it's a really good way for me to, like, keep clutter like not in my face and makes my room look like it's organized. Um, and then I have this thing e like this box thing. I have my power cord s and stuff over there, and then I have the desk that they give me. I actually don't do a lot of work on here, because being my room is just distracting. Two quickbooks here or I like to plan out my day here. I'm eating the book on the strategy and tactics in chest.