Dorm Room Haul Freshman Year

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In the background changes my video, every video select Sorry for inconsistency like Hello, It's me. Would you would you expect? All right, let's get started at 54 And welcome back to channel are welcome to my channel. It's free free things here, don't we? Today in this video, I'm doing my long awaited dorm hall video. I'm literally showing you guys everything that I got for my freshman year of college. I'm gonna be a freshman at Towson University in Towson, Maryland. I don't know why I'm speaking like that, but you know, whatever before get into this video, I just want to let you guys know that I am doing a back to school to give away here on my channel. So if you guys want to enter my back, this will give a light. Because I know you just want to what I got instead of here we talk. I'm not really an interior designer type of girl. Her name is Sofia and she's awesome, and you guys will definitely be meeting her on my channel in the future storm that I will be living out is Douglas House, and I will definitely giving guys a dorm tour of my room. Without further ado, let's go ahead and get into the video also, I got my nose for years since the last time I filmed the video, so yeah, I got my nose pierced. Yeah, so I got three bags of typepad because I heard that amusing tie pods a really easy when you're in college and doing your laundry. I got some lysol white, so we can, you know, disinfect to protect. This one is just vanilla, apricot, blossom and almond and yeah, they both smell really good. I got some medicine because I get sick a lot, and I'm not trying to get sick, you know? But yeah, I got some Advil for the cramps, for the headaches and all that good stuff. Like, this little cap to put all my toothbrush so it doesn't get nasty. I don't know if I'll use all 76 but, hey, I have 76 pieces. Okay? Got a set of six coffee mugs and that rainbow mugs so you could, like, eat out of these put drinks in them. I got this hanging shower caddy for our bathroom so we can put, you know, some soaps been stuff in here. I'm suddenly you don't see home good about my own travels from home goods as well. They're like Bujji bathroom by all of this stuff at one time, because it's darkness on a little crazy. Then the else based on their put things so I could, like, put pens, pencils and all that sorts of desk things that I will need because school magazine holders I can put all of my notebooks and folders. So you have all my notebooks and folders in here, and I also got an extra charger so that I could have a treasure to keep in my backpack and then also a charger to keep in my room So I don't have to worry about like if I have a charge on me because my phone dies all the time because of Snapshot. Just has a slight brain pattern on it, plain and simple, and it's actually pretty like it's like compact, but it's big, like hold a lot of clothes And my aunt, she got me this really cute purple suitcase. She got me some pencil, some colored pens and a luggage tag, which is really cute. Oh, so the first thing that I got for my side of my room that's gonna have, like, my bed and everything. I got tapestry because your girl, its base sick, put a picture of it right there. Then for my bedspread, put a picture of my bending right There was just pretty much grain has little tassels on it, and I really like it. Yeah, so it's twin, extra large, you know, standard dorm bed I ordered from O C. M. Which is just It's like online supply store where you could just buy a whole entire bed sets. I'll take a screenshot, and I'll put it right there. That's pretty much all the stuff that came with the best set. Something's gonna go through it really quickly because it's like, really basic things, you know, for your bed. I'm gonna be taking all three of the pillows also from home goods. Then I got a mattress pad in a mattress, Tad. Ones like an egg crate, mattress pride and ones like, you know, quilted Bolin is really a lot of stuff like this is the ultimate dorm hole. Like, we only keep the good flavors around here. Anything else really isn't up to my quality up to my standards. Guys, Thank you so much for watching my dorm hall video. I know this was a long one, but if you made it all the way to the end of this video, want to go ahead and comment? The emoji Oh, my God. I really yelled that I'm sorry that I wasn't, like yelling at you to push the button, but like, common, the doorman emoji, it's I love donuts. Like if you look at that, just there's a lot of stuff that I have to put away now.