Dorm Room Essentials (Part 3)

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Those are the essentials that she wouldn't need for your door. Obviously, you can, like, have more stuff and decorations, things like that. Those are and all that you need to have in your room. Uh, so if you have any, So if you're really confusing like where you should buy stuff, I found out Target is overpriced, so don't go there. So the way that I found like Teo get like really nice balance between the two. I brought all my stuff in bulk, so I who was one of those, like dorm websites like I want a room if i dot com and I want everything So they sheets my comforter. There's very little opportunity for you to be able to adjust those temperatures. My hangers Hangers are also something that you really are going to need. They gave me a little sand I haven't used because it's so tiny. You can either get it shipped to your house or ship to the college, and it'll be there for you. So you just take it up to your room, take the box out and what you have a outfitted? So yeah, Those are Central's. Don't have to have what it's going to make your life so much easier if you do.