Dorm Room Essentials

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I remember as a freshman coming into college, I was a little confused as to what I should bring to my dorm room. So I made it a little easier for you guys and constructed a little hall, so yeah, let's begin. So the first thing that I want to show you guys was my shower caddy. This is really, really handy because most storms have communal bathrooms and you have to share it with other people. Yeah, this just holds all your shower things like your shampoo conditioner, body wash, face wash razors. What else you need in the shower and water in the shower? You must wear, uh, Martians. So is definitely an essential and another essential. You do not come with her dryer, so always likes to have to keep your head dry. Next we have, uh, face bulls, silverware and cups. So you need dishware in college because you might want to eat at home or just have food and water and drinks. When you're done eating, they always seem to wash them. So don't forget to bring yourself and, um, next we have laundry. So you need to bring hundred pause and giant she's, um Yeah, so there's a pretty self explanatory, And with laundry, you need a camper. Yeah, just to put your dirty clothes in and just put that in the corner of your room. Um Oh I don't know if this is essential for many people, but for me, I know I struggle with getting up with just going along because it's so easy to just hit that snooze button. Like to physically get up into this obnoxious sound off. Yeah, um and another essential slash non essential slush you don't really need. So they're really comfortable to just walk around in your dorm? Yeah. Um, I think I just got these off Amazon and yeah, And I think second to last on my list is a, um, desk lamp. Uh, yeah, sometimes it gets dark at night if you want to study. This is actually connected to another essential, which is a, uh, extension cord. Because, um, you're kind of limited if you don't have an extension cord too. Sometimes they're not in convenient locations. Last on my list is a fan, because sometimes it gets hot. Do I actually live in a dorm with no air conditioning? So I have two very large fans, plus the self. Um, yeah, I'm sure there are many other things that you can put in your dorm, but I think these are the basic, um, must have that you need to get before coming to college.