Daily Schedule

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Okay, so I bet you're wondering My daily schedule is like, so. Um, you can take five, but that's not necessarily recommended for freshmen. She said it's probably the worst idea you could d'oh um, but if you feel like your course load is and enough, you are more than welcome to take five courses after freshman year. Women and Gender studies class that Afro Futurism glass and, uh, a feminist poetry movement class, Uh, Teo, the on ly classes I'm taking. That, like really is like going toward Major right now is my intro to chemistry class because that's what I want to major in. We here at Williams, who we have something that we call like your thirty two, which is basically like, over the course of, what, four years? Here you have thirty two classes in which he could fill with basically anything that you want, and so I tried to take advantage of that as much as I possibly could. Students here also definitely take advantage of, um, that in the classes offered here. One of my friend wants to take a gender and sexuality is class that deals with gender and sexuality in Brazil, and they take a two week trip to Rio. So there's just a bunch of opportunities here for kids to really like Doo Doo and pursue what they want in their academic career. So usually during the day, you take two classes. At the beginning of the semester I was taking, um my schedule was taking three classes a day. If the class that you really like and you really like your classes, then definitely. I didn't really like that third class, so if you don't like it, you can drop it. Yeah, I usually have two classes a day, and then I have a four hour lab for chemistry. You do stuff in lab, you don't just sit there. So the time passes by, Just make sure you eat before home. Then on Wednesdays I have a Spanish conference is an hour long with TA and it's basically like listening to music, practicing grammar. The's air fun classes like these air things early interest me, so I never think of them. I think a really good thing to keep in mind that if you ever find something like super tedious or like boring, don't do it. Keep in mind that, like if you want to get to the things that you want to dio, then sometimes you do have to take boring classes. Um, and that only will like in richer experiences for, like later in your academic career, so Yeah. Yeah, four classes may not seem like a lot, but trust me, you get a lot of homework. So I usually I can spend, like, all day in the life. I usually spent eight hours in the library just because they like the library. I also really want to get work done the longest I have stayed in the library, Wass. You usually do spend a lot of time in the library's either Sawyer or Scow. Getting work done or yeah, Studying with friends or using the resource is at the library ASTA offer, which are a lot, by the way. Is that something that I really like doing and something that you don't really have a lot of time to do here? And so when I do find myself, you know, having a few minutes I'd like to put or like watching really good Netflix movie and read, watch movie or go eat.