Coreys Commute To Class From West Campus

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So some of the dorms on campus have on in the hack locking doors. I live in one of the ones where they don't. So the way that we're going to get to class is we're going to go out to the basement of my bill today, and we're gonna go the back way because walking in front of all the other West campus places is such a longer walk. Ends up taking a lot more time and the get go, and it's twelve five class at twelve. You're gonna we're going to keep you updated on The times, by the way. Just so you could realize and hope these videos help you decide if you wanna live in West Side. So you're walking us right now on our little shortcut is little page shining. All that is connected to Wolf Onondaga, Oneida through tunnels and then senate comma. I'm like, Oh, my gosh, they're never going to believe me that, like it gets cold here and the kids like this. Okay, so this is the main quad. That's your union, That is Plan again. We don't have another quad. So this is like, I mean spot for everything. We walk up three flights of stairs somewhere in class booth.