Corey Talks About Being An English Major

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We're currently in the Murano Center. This is the the center that has our hockey right and serves the purpose for the liberal arts college in our school. So liberal arts majors would be like foreign language, English and creative writing and film. Tension's building is the whole called culture, and culture is where you will find the creative writing department in Spanish department and French, German and any other language do you want to take it's, not English. We're currently third floor Alvarado, and this is where my nature has its main office. So in this floor you'll have English classes, creative writing and some months screens of these courses. So the building up here is also a lot like cinnamon in the sense of their lot of seeds. Can we use skylights up here because we're the top of this building? But there's Lord does not run the entire building of Iran, So it may be difficult your first couple of days, but you will find the correct staircase. One of the cool things about being an English or cinnamon screens these majors is that there's so many clubs for you on campus. Um, a literary magazine You can write about movies for There's also the film festival that were on that are forty eight hours long. It's pretty crazy, but the ending's seemed pretty cool.