Come Check Out the Labryinth With Yu

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Okay, So the next spot that I'm gonna be showing the Isis called the labyrinth and it's right by campus point follow the stairs up into really very cool in basic terms, amaze. In here, it's made out of rocks, and that's how the passive form. Um, I know that a lot of people see in a spiritual way. So it's more of you think of something that you've been worried about or has just over before you walk into the maize or the labyrinth, and then once you want, you're trying to find your way. It's said that, like, conclusions and how to solve it's gonna come to mind. So excited to show you guys and we'll be right there in just a second. So we're coming up on the labyrinth right now. See, Stork Tower Campus is over there if we just come over here you could see what I was talking about with all the rocks. It's a cool spots overlooking there and you can hear ways crashing, and it's just really cool spot that I just you guys visit if you're ever on campus.