Coman Hall Floor Tour

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So right now we're on the first floor of the residence hall. You guys Like what? Like the floor looks like all the floors with the same. There's lounged and the other farmers don't have that. The way this setup is down, the long hauls is they're all doubles. Then on this in the short hauls like this, these are all single rooms. So there's there's forcing words, I think, on this for and right here the stairs. This is how I get up and down because I have ramps in here. I don't like taking their amps because they're really long tired. We have little posters all up over four for, like, the quiet hours. So our particular dorm, we're in one of the scholar dorms. I love our floor so our floor, like over half the girls in our floor, are in sororities, which is really cool. I love R A. She's the nicest person ever. We have a little thing like Old Spawn A and I really want to make. Then we vote with, like our personal like clips for what we want. There's a really cool place in the cub whether you free movies for students and my friends and like a lot. There's just like a bunch of sinks in bathroom. There's one in the shower's right now what We have, like four showers in this door lock so that people can't just like walk in the showers, you know, walk in and you showering. Our floor is all girls and the floors alternates the next floor's boys and girls, It's on over here. Have laundry hours like here's a schedule my time Wednesday's three to five. You get the washing machine for two hours in the dryer for two hours and then we have. That's pretty much you are His room in the choir. She helped me out with some issues I was having with neighbors, stuff like that. Now we're going to show you guys the lounge.