College Morning Routine

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Today, in this video, I'm going to doing a college morning routine for you guys. Um, and then I don't have class again until, like, two o'clock, as I don't have class until five. So literally after I get back from my nine o'clock class, I literally just come and go back to sleep, so All right, guys. So now I'm gonna make myself some tea to drink because I'm definitely not a coffee drinker like Everly. Don't drink coffee in the morning, but I definitely drink tea. I recently been sent this teammates skinny tea from t me blends. So thank you so much for spending this to me to try. This any tea version is supposed to help reduce cravings. It's a pressure bloating increase your metabolism. Of course, I had to come through with a coupon code for y'all could save some money so you could use the code Maya E 15 15% off. I've definitely noticed, like, a reduction and bloating because, like, I don't know, like, I'm a pretty skinny girl. Like I'm don't weigh that much like, I'm pretty small as it is already. It has definitely helping my bloated because I do get really, really bloated, like after AII and stuff so is really nice. Like how, like, produced by bloating in the mornings, like, you know, feel nice and good throw today Just a moment. All that I do It's my face before class like I really don't do make a hole, make up the guys. It's just like I don't have time to do it. These leggings, like actually, of course, crosses in the back.