College Game Day!

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My and wax my channel in today In this video, it's a new log. Oh, today I'm blogging because tonight there's wild and out on campus, like all the organizations are doing, like this wild and out thing. Tomorrow is our first home game, so that's gonna be really exciting. So I was like, Why not flog this weekend? It's gonna be a fun weekend, but right now it is like 11. I'm just why this green body suit from Marshalls, and it's like crisscross in the front like that. Then I just have this denim skirt from Paxson and my jacket is also from Pakistan. Um, I'm wearing my vans because I always arabians and yeah, So I have to go rush to this meeting really quickly and yeah, I'll see you guys later. I was just in library was my friend Nina, Like we're doing like, homework and stuff because it's Friday. No mess with Thompson Square was like, They'll just come up to you. Eight o'clock is wild out event, and I'm a member of the lunch table, which is like a social media like multi media organization here on campus and have it on other campuses, so want you ahead of follows at TLC. Blawg show people from different organizations like the different teams, and it's gonna be really fun and money People from field see on different teams. Like my friend Dom and Mason, So they're gonna be upon the stage and everything, so it should be really fun. Little Wayne's album drops, so comments on below it Should I think about little wedding album so far. She's washing dishes from the first week of school theme from the first week of school test sexy. The regular red sauce like regular marinade sauce, mozzarella, onion, spinach and chickens. None of these fashion over jeans that my friend Pierson gave me because they were too small for her actually put you in this mirror. This is the outfit I'm wearing some band. So it's not like, really like you don't have to get dressed up for this type of event or anything. You know, look a little bit Q or something. Shut up for a shuttle to T L t. Our host, Tim and J. They were really good. I woke up earlier and Mom went back to sleep like, you know, it's Saturday. So I'm just chillin being lazy or whatever, but the tell ginning starts at, like, two o'clock or something, like I don't really know, but all my friends and I, we're gonna meet up at, like, 2 15 So I see the shower and your makeup and get dressed. Okay, here's p o throughout the tank top Urban Outfitters Shorts. I don't know if you guys could see the lighting. Then I just flashes along these air the RTL foaming clashes. It's really chilly NPR, and it's really hot right now, like I'm on a bad idea, but the game doesn't start for another like 20 minutes, so we're just chilling. Well, hey, guys was so is currently and 03 right now. We beat Citadel was like, 40 41 of 27 years, like, you know, what's it like 20 on the official one. Zachary's was a really, really fun game, but it was really hot outside. Like, really tired after I got done for the game. Now we're just chilling appears over there watching movie. We're eating cookie dough because Because we can. That's the other half for you guys today in this block. Don't forget to give this baby a big thumbs up comin down below Hit that subscribe. If you're not done so already, if you made it all the way to the end of the video want to go ahead and common thief all emoji Because, yeah, it's fall. Um, yeah, that's all that I have got saying this video, I don't see you guys excited piece.