Check out A Typical Dorm Room

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I also took a clip of my friend's dorm who lives in the same building because mine is was rearranged so much that it doesn't give you, like the best idea of what a dorm here looks like. So when you walk in, there's a sink are there on the left or the right? And that's that's just in cars and whole. So in some of the dorms, there are sinks and some they're not. Some there's about the rooms and some there's on and in some theirs. Then this is about a small a storm's going to get here if would either be the same size or bigger. Then when you when you get there like how they're all set up, is you're gonna walk in and they'll be here. Your wardrobes both on one side near the door and then your beds on either side of the room and your desks on either side of the room. So the neurologic rearrange however you want so like in my room. We put both for desk right there next to the saying with her bed. That shot of another room that's not quite as rearranged, so you can get a better idea of what the dorms here looked like. It's pretty expensive, but the dorms are all grey. I didn't at first, but then I got used to it, and it's honestly totally fine. Whichever dorm you end up in, you'll have a lot of fun, so that's a dorm room.