Annette Talks About Housing and Dorms at Colgate

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Today I'm gonna be talking about what it's like to live in a dorm at Colgate University, specifically in your first year. University is considered to be a residential campus, which means most students choose to live on campus all four years in your first year student, you tend to live up the hill. I, honestly, that just means that you're kind of right in the middle of things on campus. It's super convenient because you're located very close to all the academic halls, the dining halls such as Frank Dining Hall and the Coop Student center, right in the middle of all the action on day. If you do happen to over asleep and wake up five minutes before your class starts, you're super close, so you'd still be able to make your class. That has happened to me before, and it's definitely something I was appreciative of. Your first year you are assigned a random roommate, and I know that can seem kind of daunting because already coming into this new place, this new environment, where you don't know many people and so not having that power Teoh pick who you want to room with can seem scary, but my first year roommate actually became my best friend Andi. So I was really glad that I was assigned to write a mermaid. Most people I know have the same positive experience with their roommates. Students that are incoming fill out a survey questionnaire type thing where you put down all your habits and preferences for a roommate. What kind of roommate ur c questions such as, Do you go to bed super late or wake up really early? Do you like to keep your space really neat and organized or you more of a messy person? You smoke? Do you drink? You like to go out important to give honest answers to paired with someone who's pretty compatible to you. The Office of Residential Life does a pretty great job at making sure these pairings are compatible. Like I said, most people I know my first year I had a really good experiences with their roommates and kind of remained friends with them. The rather time a Colgate I lived in West Hall, which is actually the oldest storm on campus. To be honest, you wouldn't really be able to tell that it was old because it was still really nice. Most storms on campus have single rooms, double rooms, triple rooms and some sweet style rooms. I was in a double room, and essentially half the room was kind of my space, and the other half was my roommates. Rooms come with beds, dusts, dust chairs, closet and a wardrobe. So there's furniture provided, and you can make it feel like home and decorate as you wish. Rooms have, like common rooms, study rooms, washing machines. There's actually two brand new dorms that were just built last year. So there are a lot of different options for housing your first year. Then even as you get older, you have kind of more freedoms. Were able to pick your roommate, and you can kind of choose to live down the hill if you want. There are interest houses and houses for different comments. By the time you're like a sophomore, our engineer senior and so there becomes a lot more choices. That first year is really important because you got to form kind of friendships with new people and form a sense of community, which is also fostered by the residential Commons. So there are different Commons that have different events. On weekends they might do brunches they might offer like trips. I know when I was the first year, my comments did a trip to Niagara Falls, which was super cool. So they have different activities and stuff they plan, and it's really a great way to meet other people who live in your dorm and in the other dorms near communes and form these relationships and kind of build a sense of community. I would say that was my favorite part of living in a dorm. I just thought it was so essential my first year to kind of put myself out there and meet different people and interact with different people. So that was a great experience I had in order to make new friends. At least favorite part probably would have to be the communal bathroom just because, you know, some people didn't take it up agency and making sure they were being clean. That's not an issue that's exclusive to Colgate. I is something you get used to in my dorm West Hall. I still hold my dorm room for my first year super close to my heart. So that was kind of an overview of what housing is like. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time.