Annette Discusses Colgate University

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My name's Annette's NDC. I'm a rising senior at Colgate University and are majoring in English with a minor in environmental studies. I'm from Claremont, Florida, which is in Central Florida. Um, and on campus, I'm involved in a few different things. I'm part of the mat, which music initiative run by students to revitalize the music scene. I'm also part of the Colgate Activities Board, and I'm currently a summer intern with the office of it. Thank you for taking the time to watch this video, whether you stumbled across it and you don't really know anything about Cody or you already have discovered that you have an interest in Colgate. I hope you learn something from this video, and I hope to give you perspective of the student who called eat and what it's kind of like to be a student there. So first off Colgate is a small liberal arts school located in Hamilton, New York, which is in fact ab center in the state. It does get pretty cold there, but the scenery is just beautiful. The campus is so gorgeous toe walk around about 3000 undergraduate students, so it's pretty small campus I really wanted a small school where I wouldn't feel like a number. I really wanted Teoh have those small Quat sizes where I could really get to know the professors and being a discussion based setting. Definitely exalt that average class sizes about 17 and most of mine have been even smaller than that. So there really is a chance to get to talk with your professors and get to know them. That's been something that's really important for me throughout my time in Colgate. Do you want athletic school? So there is definitely school pride and students and the community members alike love to go out to the games and support the teams. The really strong sense of community that's really fueled by this passion for Colgate, both with the town spoke and the students themselves, Hamilton is a pretty small town. Eso It's really great to see this connection that they kind of feel towards the school, talk more about what it's like to live in Hamilton. I wanted to go well when I was a junior in high school, like many high school students, I kind of went on a weeklong college visit, different schools. I knew I wanted to goto smaller liberal arts school, but Colgate was actually the first school that I visited on my trip, and I found that when I was visiting the other schools after that, I kind of found myself comparing them to Colgate on. That was kind of the first sign that I knew Colgate would be the right fit for me. Felt that way immediately walking around on campus with my tour guide, I just felt like there was this super strong, unique sense of community. People would walk around waving to each other and just the passion that my tour guide had when talking about to school and all the opportunities that she had while she was there. It really stuck out to me, and that, coupled with the strong academics, it really made me want to political gate. Really, what would make Colgate stand out? It's a really great place to kind of work hard, also play hard, make meaningful connections with other students and professors there. So many opportunities and resource is that Colgate offers to help you succeed. We go into more detail in some of my later videos, but I just wanted to thank you for watching on and yeah, I hope you enjoy this informational video.