All About the Anacapa Residence Hall

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How can have, like a lot of pool tables, pingpong table, a piano and some vending machines over there, too, which is very helpful. It's like watching movies do homework sometimes call their friends things like that, all right out again. A lot of people are studying here right now, so we'll just all right. We're down Lysol, and that's what my Okay, I'm going to be giving you the official dorm room tour of fourteen, nineteen, and Anacapa. It's everyone's names and where we're from, and then we have a cute little sign thing. So I keep like my camera, my computer sometimes and things that are just valuable. So that's really good on DH. Then we got my roommates deaths over here with the same size and stuff. If you just go to the front lobby, you can put a request in for that. If you don't have a ladder than you just go up here, which I do that and it kind of hurts. Then here's one of my other roommates beds, and this is my bed. Think it's this one, so there's two drawers and you can put your clothes in there, too. Guys, and you can see from right here through the window that there are a bunch of bikes outside, so that's like one of the main by drugs. So you are a lot to put in, like pins and tax like that. One of my roommates also put up like pictures that way with, like, push pins and stuff like that. So that's really helpful because I know a lot of places. OK, so here's just overall look of the room, give you an idea. On. Then there are a couple like hook straight here by the door and too little call hangers. So now we're going to be talking about dorm room a sentence. So I wrote a list down in a wrote down a couple things that you may not necessarily think of. Especially like if you have a communal bathroom system going on in your dorm like we do here in a kappa, uh, just helpful to be able to put it on, walk around, Not have to worry about changing or anything like that. An extension cord or actually multiple would be very helpful, depending on how many things you're planning on plugging in. I have a lot of things that I need a charge and like plug in. Um, yeah, the room that I'm in does not have many outlets, so extension cords, power shit. It's things like that really helped, Um, bed caddy. So this is one of those things that I did not even know existed until I got here. It's just like, really nice because you can put your phone on here. Sometimes your buds on ly recommend this to those of you who are going to be top bunk because if you're on the bottom bunk, it doesn't really matter. Uh, but if you're on the top bunk, it's really helpful because then you don't have toe. Keep your stuff on your bed and you don't have to climb down every single time you want to put something back. The next thing on the list are command hooks and commune shrimps. So these are just like the adhesive strips, and you can put him on hooks and then put him to the wall so that you can hang things up like jackets and hats and backpacks. I used them on the wall by my bed to put up all my pictures, as I was talking about. Another thing is a desk lamp very helpful, especially if, like your roommates are sleeping and you had to get up earlier than them. I put makeup on or I just want to look at myself, um, really helpful. So I would get that if you can, Um, these next three things are optional, but I would highly recommend so a fridge. We can put, you know, our leftover food, Uh, just some drinks and they keep it cold, really helpful. Or Sandy here like you don't want to put him back in your closet, because then we'll get everything else, Sandy. So having a compartment for those really nice and then last but not least, I recommend getting a small clip on fan that you can put by your bed. It's just nice if your heart and, you know, it's like in your area, so you don't really have to share that. Yeah, you just kind of flipped the switch on the back, and it goes so really hope for that to hope that hoped and I'll see you guys next time.