Academic Building Three: Hearst Center for Communications and Interactive Media

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Right? Usually student film claim here sometimes will have a map ofthe or welcome messing starting tour weekends because it's a weekend or because they don't have no content. If you look around all it'll see posters for upcoming performances in advance billing now shared communications people but it is also music industry department and like journalism and hearts have some of their classrooms in here especially if you like dicks are so there's a lake but excited This is all right. Jasmine, do you mind? What about Jimmy Fallon? Do you mind? Um, yeah actually, uh, by the way, I'm Brandon Video. Uh, listen mean exact same dorm fellow was saying out when he was here in Lima. I don't have access there because I'm a music student. Um, we got a big donation to redo everything with a new sound board and a balcony area. So that's why she three, um, unders state of the art sound equipment. So which is the Music Industry Student Association and learn how to run the board and everything. You follow me this way over there to find important all that's systems off She's mine industry department and that other music industry teachers. We're gonna see if anybody's a right now they fight. So where could be quiet just in case there's a session going on right now? Yeah, there's a session going on right now, so we're not going to go in, but this is one of our to sound studios we have on campus state of the art equipment in there, and all of the equipment is locked. We have these things called tap locks, which are Bluetooth locks that you be given Act two through, um, your phone or smart devices. We do our labs either in Studio Ares GOP and his music industry major. Gonna be kind of quiet in case someone was in here working. If you look through the window there, what's going on in there? We have our sound board and all of that. I would show you guys more, except I don't want to disturb the students. My friends, you are music steam or somebody who wants to do anything. A student of the sooner you can and your name said he had this semester. You see one of the journalist working right now? You always have that runner going with highlights of what's going on in the community and at school. It's pretty empty right now because we have a hit that weak yet. These air where students can get free copies of the big newspapers because the journalism, um, department is also in here. So Rose record label meeting here that we haven't on campus record label, which is pretty cool. They have signed a couple outside bands and a couple bands that are with our students. If you come here, you could be part of running a full record label. Any music industry student or technically animator conjoined right as an elective. I'm not going to talk once I go inside because, like I said, people are working. There's pro tools and Sebelius on all of the computers in here. Um, so we get pro tools certified at user level as a required part of the music industry program. I'm kicking pro tools right now on Mondays at night, which is really cool. I take music business in here and also pro tools, because obviously for pro tools, you're gonna use pro tools. You need access to a computer, right? Everything swipe access from this point on. So there's one This is what one of the stations are right. You have your computer and pull this out a keyboard that functions with pro tools interface and either those speakers or that row over there. Here's like a bush mortars stuff of different news are. Our marketing student project? No. No. I think this one is neither calm majors, Like the journalism majors. Honestly, if I'm going to do homework or to go in the mini lab anyway, Friends, this seems interesting. Thomas Crowley's office is one of the music industry features on a lot of these other offices. Are there, uh, communications teacher, so I don't personally know them, but some of the music industry teachers are here. Um, and as you can see, you can usually tell which one of the music industry professor, because they have stuff about upcoming performance, is that there are others are doing on their doors. Where you need with other people with same instrument is you im and perform for each other is in studio A on Mondays of so we kind of perform for each other and stuff out before we for me convo patient, which is where? All the industry.